Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reconnected to the WORLD!!!

After days and days of deliberation, soul-searching, lost hours of sleep, and ball acquiring (not to mention the golden sealed green-light of approval from mamallama), I manned up and did it.

Did what??

Momentarily shed my shield of pride/awkwardness/embarrassment, knocked sheepishly on my next-door neighbor's door and asked: "Puedo hablar con ustedes?" And the rest, my friends, is history.

My soon-to-be-saviours in 31 are actually a group of psychologists (hmm, coincidence? I think not...) and since my perpetual lack of internet has been a constant thread here on BdLA, it's obvious that I'd already searched high and dry for networks to hack into. Having the technical savviness of a 12 year old butchered my master plan and I was unable to slither my way into zero the 2398 wifi fortresses that appear on my list of "Available Networks." So, I thought: what if you just ask the neighbors if you can use the password?? I mean, it's not like I haven't tried to go about the normal-person way. Just like the bank, I lack all the necessary requirements of a real-human-being and all internet companies refuse to take my money, like Kyle and her apartment. FU RUT. I tried, OK?. And what can I lose from asking?? All they can do is say no....

So today, I did it. I knocked on the door. (My new best friend) Marco opens and invited me in. And the convo ensues as follows:
Me: Sooo, what I'm about to ask is sooooo patuda, but pretty much all of my options have run out and I don't know what else to do.

Marco: (blank stare)

Me: Anyway, so because I'm a foreigner, no internet companies will let me sign a contract with them because I still don't have my permanent RUT, my visa is in tramites, and I don't have a Chilean ID card. To be honest, I am desparate to talk to my family and the only way I can is via skype and since I can't get internet in my apartment I have to go to a cafe or walk with my computer and I don't feel comfortable doing that after already being robbed--twice. So, I know this sounds so patuda, but is there anyyyy way I can use your password (??), I'll pay however much you want, but I just need to be able to talk to my family (and here begins nervous word spewing and spewing and spewing..)......

Marco: Of course-- I'd give it to you now, but I just have to check with the boss. I'll come over and give it to you when he's done with his patient.

Me: (in serious disbelief that it actually worked, on the verge of bowing down and kissing the ground he walks upon) EN SERIO?!?! Gracias gracias gracias X 9283745.. En serio, GRACIAS!!
Stunned, I open the door to my apt and perform a Laura Linney-Love Actually style hop up-and-down jig and smile like a drunk goon (while continuing to flail all possible limbs) at LL for about 19 minutes straight. YAYyyyy!!!!

I called mamallama immediately, of course. And devoured a celebratory gelatto with LL in the parque. So excitedddd!!! So thrilled to not feel so far away, not to feel so disconnected from my peeps, to not have to walk around with my computer searching for free internet in fear of being jacked by a mob of flaites...

Just like the previous weekend's revelation of being able to turn that frown upside-down, this is probably the first instance in which one of mamallama's tried and true mom-isms, actually worked. Apparently, you really never know until you ask.

File that as noted...... Very, very noted,,.......


  1. That is such a great story! I've totally been in that situation before but never got up the nerve to ask anyone. Although, I was far from being screwed in a foreign country. I was just poor. Glad it worked out for you!!

    -Sharon (Matthews)

  2. I like it... a lot. Miss you Love!
