So, this whole afternoon, I have been scheming this post because, at some very random point in the day, I said to my little self: "B- you have to write a quick blogski about the two very cool things that happened today." And, as luck would have it, I cannot for the LIFE of me remember what the second cool thing was... not even a little bit. ((*&%^$!!!) So apparently only one cool thing happened throughout my day today:
I got a new mouse at work!!
.... and silence (Biggest let down ever, or no?). Scoring a new mouse has significantly improved my mood-- hey.- you try dealing with an epileptic, mind-of-its-own, son-of-a-bitch mouse all day everyday and see how pleasant you become-- it's one of those small things that really brightens your day. Crap, why can't I think of the second thing?¿ Has my brain completely gone to mush?? God, it appears so. I'm blaming the month of January. My day was exciting in a different way yesterday, but today the only action I got is from a
OMG I JUST REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stumbled across an AWESOME food blog!! Half of its radness comes solely from it's name: The Half Assed Kitchen. Sound familiar?? Claro que si. Vamos a ser amigos... Unfortunately this totally cool blog is a complete and utter waste on me as a Martha because 1) I don't even have an oven ("you never know what you miss it until it's gone"- so true), and 2) about half of all recipes' essential ingredients aren't sold in CHile. Grrr. Or if they are, they are wayyyy above my polly-pocket budget. Damn. But hey, a girl can dream can't she? I mean, how delicious do stuffed mushrooms, crab cakes, and gazpacho sound. Peach blueberry pie?? Orgasmic. F-ing amazing. I am salivating.
Now I'm hungry. Must go.
My Kid’s Crushing FOMO Is Ruining My Life
2 hours ago
Thanks for the shout out! Sorry my recipes aren't so accessible for you.