Friday, December 11, 2009

Japi Berdei to Miii

Originally, I wasn't going to post a blogski about my 24th cumpleaño (see prior post...) but since I had such a rad time, I think it's definitely worth mentioning. Since college, I have this problem where I get really excited about a month before da big day and as it gets closer and closer, I look forward to it less and less. Not really sure what's going on there... So this year I was feeling semi-the-same but woke up on my birthday, relaxed, not depressed, just normal ole B, ready to enjoy the day (duh, had the day off work, how could I not?) even if I didn't really do anything special. Luckily for me, LL worked on the holiday Tuesday so that he could take Wednesday off to hang with me. Yeah he rules. Totally rules.

He arrived to my little house in the morning with roses, balloons, and cake (mmm birthday breakfast of champs) topped with a candle (1st of many... ran out of wishes at the end of the day...) and performed a perfect rendition of "cumpleaños felizzzzz." After downing (again- 1st of what is surely an unhealthy amount) the cake(s), we peaced out. He told me, "bring sunscreen and a bathing suit, and shoes." Chile:1, US:0-- balmy birthday trumps bundled bithday... I brought, yes, a swimsuit, a tiny bottle of face sunscreen (bah I'm tonta, what the crap was I thinking (?¿?), mistake #1), and chacos... good enough.

Heading out of the smogalicious city, we drive towards the Andes, until we are, well, in the Andes. The similarity to FoCo is scary. For a second, I thought I was home. Really. After a simple process of deduction (thank you road signs), I realize that we're en route to the Cajón de Maipo, which is somewhat equivalent of going from FoCo to Estes Park. River, canyon, mountains- all the goodies. Living in Santiago and not having gone to the Cajón (less than an hour away) is silly. How could I have been missing out on this beauty? Serenity? Clean air? Finally can be checked off the list. Might go back this weekend. Might stay forever.

After winding alongside the river (Maipo, taking a stab), we arrive at this place called Cascada de la Animas which appears as if it should be located in the Keebler/Smurf forest, teeming with little woodland creatures who talk to you in helium voices and give you candy. Unfortunately, they haven't acquired this addition at time of press, but it was nonetheless awing and somewhere where I could definitely set up camp (like, for life). It's a little compound of ecotourism offering horseback riding, rafting, cabañas, a campground, hiking, canopy tours, a giant pool, and a perfect restaurant right alongside the cliff that overlooks the river. I had the salmon (and a salad, and bread, and a pisco sour, and dessert, and a bite of LL's delish pasta thing... strictly adhering to the "I can eat whatever I want on my b-day, bitches" rule)- it was amazing and the location and ambiance are wildly close to perfection.

We spent pretty much the whole day lounging around the giant pool, surrounded by mountains... accompanied by only the sound of the running river (psych--- and two old ladies). Five minutes into roasting and toasting my Casper-skin (no, LL, I will never be as tan as you lets please end that competition now b4 I get melanomaaa), I was like, "hmm, this SPF 15 anti-wrinkle face cream really isn't gonna cut it" (seriously, wtf was I thinking). So I trekked up to the "kiosco" to buy something a tad more fuerte. Not for sale. Not in stock. Just my luck. BUT-- Ra the Sun God was on my side and they actually had some to borrow. For free. Nice. The catch: SPF- SIXTYmotherF&%#. So there goes the tanning idea... A day in the sun and nada to show for it. Chalk. I knew that LL would never use SPF 60 (frak, who would??) so I told him it was 45 so he wouldn't get burned to death. Yes, trick-ay trick-ay. I later told him cuz I felt bad for lying. It was for a good cause tho.

In the afternoon, we went for a hike to see the cascadas (waterfalls) with our kid guide, Geronimo. Woo!! They were, of course, beautiful, and I was very proud of myself for not falling up/down the mountain. I always trip. What?Iliketolookatthenature. We drive back to Santiago though both of us seriously contemplated staying there forever (apagamos los celulares y chao, cierto?!).

The rest of the evening is spent with friends, (LL's) family, drinks, a flamboyantly surly waiter, more cake, pisco, and dancing. Note: if expecting fast service, don't go to Ebano in Ñuñoa (though the sushi and drinks are delish and the happy hour a decent deal). I couldn't have been happier that everyone came and celebrated with me and my aging self (Mili, Carlos, and Mato get extra points for going out with us after and reggatoning the night away!!!). Man, 24... that's always sounded old. But it sure as hell sounds better than 23.

Pretty much can't wait to see what the heck this year has in store for me. I made a total of 1+1+24+1 wishes on my b-day...

Now let's hope some of 'em actually come true :)

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