Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I. Am. Blah.


Today is a holiday (some virgin did something) here in Chile and all I want to do is lay in my bed. My stupid birthday is tomorrow and could not want to celebrate it less. I even took the day off from work. Dumb. And. Dumber.

I don't know. Living in a diff country makes me so much more vulnerable to, well, being a bipolar baby. I have absolutely nothing to be blah about. Job- check. Apartment- check. BF-check. Friends-check. Beautiful day, day off work- check and check.

Missin the fam-check.

Just one of those days people. One of those days where I panic and over analyze all the minute and certainly insignificant details of my life.
//What am I doing with myself??
//Am I making the right decisions??

And it never goes anywhere because in (+/-) 5 hours, I'll be perfectly normal, lovin' life and happy with everything. Must be one of those expatriate things.
//Anyone other expats experience the same thing?
//Any non-expats??

Just need to snap out of it. Snap. Out. Of. It.

Gonna go to a movie.

The guy eating a giant ice cream cone in what can only be described as hot pants is definitely making me happier. Baby steps.


  1. Welcome to my life! Ughhh. I'm like the bi polar queen right now and I still live in the US! I like to think of it like we're slowly climbing towards the top of a rollercoaster. This steep part symbolizes all the tough decisions that we have to make to lead us to where we'll be and who we'll be in the future and while we're making the climb it's natural to look around at all your surroundings, including what is behind you and what is in front of you. I also get a lot of anxiety on rollercoasters so this analogy works perfectly for me haha :) I'm not sure when you go over the top to the downhill part, but I'm guessing it's somewhere around 40. Haha. Keep your head up girlie!

  2. I love the hotpants comment! I hope that, at least, brightened your day! And happy birthday :)

  3. My b-day was yesterday as well. Sorry you're feeling blah.

    I liked your how to alienate a gringo post, and posted on that as well.

