Monday, May 24, 2010

Mondays Are (not) Cool.

Mondays in general are always kind of a slap in the face wherever you live, whatever you do-- it's universal my friends, but Mondays after a three day weekend are much, much less pleasant. And, I mean, it's not like this Monday was particularly horrendous but I would have appreciated if the following things had not occurred:

1.  Light my one nice, white button-down shirt on fire.  At 7:30am.  I know it sounds like a feat of obvious proportions, but sometimes you just forget that you hung your shirt on the light to air-out the nasty smoky-sweaty bar odor.  And sometimes its just too early in the morning and it doesn't exactly occur to you that you turned your lights on and said article of clothing is dangling precariously from said fixture on the wall, and you go take a shower.  And then your shirt is on fire.  No need to worry, all is miraculously well in the PP apt.  Phew.

2.  10:30am.  Bathroom break.  Flush the toilet.  See, in slow motion, cute red earring fall ever so slowly and daintily from right ear, right into the circular flow of the flush.  Wave a sad goodbye as it disappears into water-closet oblivion.  Wish I had twitter mobile so I could have tweeted something silly.  *Sigh*

3.  Have weekly career/identity/life crisis.  What am I doing?  Where am I going?  Am I a tad bit of a waste of a human being?  How am I gonna pay to even have a life with these Polly pockets?? Who AM i (Zoolander style)??  oMG watch that clip, it's hilarious btw.

4.  Change of guards at the gym I go to, but am not actually paying for.  Makes for an uncomfortable interaction.  The thing is, is that the radio I do my show for (sounds quite posh, I know), has a "convenio" with the gym because it's right across the street (and on my block, CA-CHING!!).  Lucky for me, since I wouldn't actually be able to afford gym going, I used to just pass on by sin problema.  But today I make a reappearance after a considerable "sick break" and am met by a blue-contact(you're not fooling anyone honey)-wearing chica.  Attempt to explain this "convenio" which she obviously thinks I'm totally lying.  Awkward.  She gives me the stink eye and lets me pass and tells me that I have to clear it up with "Raul" later... whoever that is.... 

    Anyway, that's about it.  Let me make it perfectly clear that I know my life is HELLA easy compared to like pretty much all the world, but it's my blog and I'll vent if I want to...

    Run for your life. 

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